Nobilis Paramyxo Vaccine 200d (Expiry Date: 04/25- Batch No.I300B02 NOW LESS THAN HALF PRICE
For Active immunisation of pigeons to reduce mortality and clinical signs due to Paramyxo Virus type 1 infection.
Complete with Needles, Syringes, Vaccine card
For the active immunisation of pigeons against clinical signs caused by a virulent PPMV-1 infection. The vaccine has been shown to reduce virus excretion after challenge significantly.
Dosage and administration:
Each animal should be given 0.25 ml of vaccine by subcutaneous injection into the lower back part of the neck. Ensure that vaccination equipment is clean and sterile before use.
Advice on correct administration:
Birds can be vaccinated from five weeks of age. Because it takes 4 weeks to obtain protective immunity, the initial vaccination should preferably take place at 6 weeks before being entered in races or exhibitions, and before pairing up. A single vaccination will provide protection for one year and an annual booster vaccination is recommended.
For any information about this veterinary medicinal product, please contact the local representative of the Marketing Authorisation Holder.
Contra-indications, warnings, etc:
Only healthy birds should be vaccinated.
Do not allow the birds to undertake long flights within 10 days of vaccination.
Do not mix with other vaccines.
Operator warnings
To the user:
This product is a mineral oil-based compound. Accidental injection/self injection may result in severe pain and swelling and could result in the loss of the affected finger or thumb if prompt medical attention is not given. Ensure that the method of restraint, handling and administration, e.g. by the use of guarded needles, minimises the risk of accidental injection/self injection.
If you are accidentally injected with this product, go AT ONCE to the nearest accident and emergency (casualty) department of a hospital and show the information printed below to the doctor (or nurse) on duty. Seek prompt medical advice even if only a very small amount is injected. If pain persists for more than 12 hours after medical examination, seek further medical advice.
To the doctor:
Even if very tiny amounts have been injected, accidental injection with this oil-based product can cause intense swelling which may, for example, result in ischaemic necrosis and the loss of a digit. Expert, PROMPT, surgical attention is required and may necessitate early incision and irrigation of the injected area, especially where there is involvement of finger pulp or tendon.
Withdrawal periods:
Zero days
For animal treatment only. Keep out of reach of children.
Pharmaceutical precautions:
Store in a refrigerator between +2° C and +8° C. Do not freeze.
Allow the vaccine to reach room temperature before use (15-25° C). Shake vigorously before and during use.
Once opened use entire contents.
Dispose of waste material by boiling, incineration or immersion in an appropriate disinfectant in accordance with national requirements.
Further information:
A good immune response is reliant on the reaction of an immunogenic agent and a fully competent immune system. Immunogenicity of the vaccine antigen will be reduced by poor storage or inappropriate administration. Immunocompetence of the animal may be compromised by a variety of factors including poor health, nutritional status, genetic factors, concurrent drug therapy and stress. Under certain conditions, for example extreme disease pressure and variant challenge, fully immune birds may succumb to disease. Therefore, successful vaccination may not be synonymous with full protection in the face of a disease challenge.